Object: Flaming Star Nebula, IC405
Date: October 5, and October 7, 2002
Equipment: TeleVue 101 at F/5.4, HX916 CCD, G11 mount; ST-4 autoguider
Exposure: (L)RGB (100):50:45:50 minutes. L binned 1x1, R, G, and B binned 2x2
Processing: Dark and flat frames, Photoshop LRGB combine
Comments: This image was acquired over a period of two nights 
Description: The star illuminating the center of this nebula is AE Aurigae. The two are not related and are traveling at different speeds. They just happen to be passing through each other, creating this photogenic scene. The direction of the AE Aurigae and its distance from Earth imply that it is a runaway star from the vast complex of the constellation of Orion. 

Copyright © 2002 Paul Kanevsky